
Fuyang Municipal People's Government
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Support for industrial projects

Date:January 19,2024 16:09 visits: Print

For industrial projects reaching target output and effect,financial support with a certain amount will be provided according to the indicators such as investment scale,investment intensity,investment contribution,etc.

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Sponsor:Office  of  Fuyang  Municipal  People’s  Government
Address:No. 539, Qinghe Road, Yingzhou District, Fuyang, China    E-mail:szwgkb@fy.gov.cn
Anhui  ICP  Registration  No.05015512-1    Anhui  Internet  Security  Registration  No.34120002001529      Website  ID:3412000010
苍梧县| 金华市| 繁昌县| 嘉峪关市| 长宁区| 凤阳县| 集安市| 隆德县| 富民县| 堆龙德庆县| 公主岭市| 泰顺县| 临桂县| 石狮市| 德州市| 呼玛县| 三原县| 莱芜市| 昌平区| 海丰县| 温宿县| 云林县| 宁南县| 商南县| 甘谷县| 鄂州市| 乐昌市| 裕民县| 巴中市| 青阳县| 古蔺县| 沂源县| 怀远县| 上林县| 大埔县| 额济纳旗| 阿克| 天气| 洛隆县| 宝鸡市| 丰顺县|