
Fuyang Municipal People's Government
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Policy advantage

Date:January 19,2024 15:54 visits: Print

The National Development and Reform Commission has issued the "24 Measures" to promote the construction of industrial transfer agglomeration area in northern Anhui Province, the "Implementation Plan for Paired-up and Cooperative Cities" indicating that Suzhou City pairing cooperation to help Fuyang.The provincial party committee and the provincial government have issued a series of policies and measures to speed up the overall revitalization of Northern Anhui Province,and to support the cooperation and joint construction of Hefei and Fuyang. Favorable policies and measures are implemented for the development of enterprises, such as 15% of provincial income of corporate income tax will be fully refunded to provide more support for the development of enterprises in Fuyang.

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Sponsor:Office  of  Fuyang  Municipal  People’s  Government
Address:No. 539, Qinghe Road, Yingzhou District, Fuyang, China    E-mail:szwgkb@fy.gov.cn
Anhui  ICP  Registration  No.05015512-1    Anhui  Internet  Security  Registration  No.34120002001529      Website  ID:3412000010
博罗县| 灵宝市| 海淀区| 浠水县| 容城县| 甘孜县| 开鲁县| 高密市| 柯坪县| 徐闻县| 涟水县| 雷波县| 云阳县| 肇源县| 临桂县| 芒康县| 保德县| 乳源| 阿拉善盟| 沙洋县| 大关县| 涟源市| 清新县| 喜德县| 宜昌市| 育儿| 松潘县| 建湖县| 习水县| 阿坝| 邳州市| 宜宾市| 滨海县| 灵宝市| 拜城县| 宕昌县| 芜湖市| 黔西县| 长春市| 大荔县| 尼勒克县|