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Taihe Steamed Lamb with Rice Flour

Date:December 12,2024 10:55 visits: Print

Steamed Lamb with Rice Flour is a local specialty dish in Taihe County. It is a delicacy based on the improved version of the original Fuyang Steamed Chicken, often served to entertain relatives and friends or presented at wedding celebrations to convey good wishes. The dish uses small goats from Taihe County, which are reared with water from the Shaying River and fed on grass. The resulting lamb meat is aromatic without a strong smell, making it extremely delicious.

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Sponsor:Office  of  Fuyang  Municipal  People’s  Government
Address:No. 539, Qinghe Road, Yingzhou District, Fuyang, China    E-mail:szwgkb@fy.gov.cn
Anhui  ICP  Registration  No.05015512-1    Anhui  Internet  Security  Registration  No.34120002001529      Website  ID:3412000010
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